Junior 3 - Teacher Danielle Botelho - Lago Sul Branch
After our classes about food vocabulary, students were introduced to the food pyramid for a healthy life. Next, they created their own food pyramid and then they took turns asking about their colleague's pyramid using "Is there any _____?/ Yes, there is. No, there isn't". It was a game and they had to guess four food items.
Após nossas aulas sobre vocabulário de comidas, os alunos foram apresentados à pirâmide alimentar para ter uma vida saudável. Em seguida, eles criaram suas próprias pirâmides e então eles se alternaram perguntando sobre as pirâmides dos colegas usando "Is there any____?/ Yes, there is/ No, there isn't". Era um jogo e eles tinham que acertar quatro itens de comida.
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